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 Title: WHAT IS MISSING FROM THE CH  CH? UR For today’s spiritual nourishment, let’s consider the following statistics and add pro-active thoughts as we meditate on how we can play or part as a church and for the church- the kingdom of God. With millions of people having stayed home from places of worship during the coronavirus pandemic, struggling congregations have one key question: How many of them will return? As the pandemic recedes in the United States and in-person services resume, worries of a deepening slide in attendance are universal. Some houses of worship won’t make it. Smaller organizations with older congregations that struggled to adapt during the pandemic are in the greatest danger of a downward spiral from which they can’t recover, said the Rev. Gloria E. White-Hammond, lecturer at the Harvard Divinity School and co-pastor of a church in Boston. On the Maine coast of USA, the pandemic proved to be the last straw for the 164-year-old Waldoboro United Methodist Church.
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